
40,000 masks donated to Ueda City administrative agency

On May 5th, our company donated 27 surgical masks to Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, where our Ueda Office is located.

The situation regarding the new coronavirus infection is still unpredictable, but we would like to express our gratitude to all those involved in the fire department, emergency services, and health and welfare fields who are working hard every day to ensure the safety and security of the local community in such a harsh environment. This is a gift that we hope will be put to good use.

We donated 2 tickets to Chief Tsuchiya (Mayor of Ueda) at the Ueda Regional Union Fire Department Headquarters, and 2 tickets to Director Sudo at the Ueda Health and Welfare Office.
Our company will continue to strive to contribute to local communities through our corporate activities.

At the Ueda Regional Union Fire Department Headquarters