News News
IRWe have announced the 2023 March period Second quarter financial results.
SustainabilitySponsoring the Installation of Security Cameras at Local Elementary Schools
Sustainability"Donating masks to local government agencies to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus" has been updated.
Sustainability"Environmental Activities" has been updated.
Sustainability"Local Community Activities" and "Responsible Mineral Procurement" have been updated.
Product technologyThe product catalog for high frequency cable assemblies has been updated.
Product technologyThe Wiscut product catalog has been updated.
Product technologyThe contact probe product catalog has been updated.
IRWe have announced the first quarter financial results for March period 2023.
IRNotice Regarding Completion of Payment for Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
Company InformationMatters concerning controlling shareholders
IRThe 2022 March period securities report has been released.